Here's how we use Ozone to clean 3000 times better than bleach:
With an oxygen concentrator and generator, we add an electrical charge, simulating a lightning storm.
In this process, we split Oxygen(O2) and add a molecule to create Ozone (O3).
Ozone is the second most powerful oxidant in existence. When added to laundry, Ozone eliminated 99.9% of bacteria and viruses.
Ozonated laundry leaves your linens cleaner with the FRESHNESS of a naturally occurring lightning storm.
Some of Ozone’s Benefits
Enhanced Effectiveness
Aquawing Ozone System at our facility in The Dalles, OR
Ozone water treatment systems offer remarkable effectiveness by rapidly neutralizing biological matter, including bacteria, viruses, and parasites. Its disinfectant properties surpass those of chlorine, making it a potent oxidizer. Regardless of the pH level of the water, ozone remains effective, even in acidic water.
Ozone water treatment eliminates the need for adding chemicals to the water. The process produces no pollutants, ensuring that any wastewater generated is safe for discharge into waterways and drains.
Proven Technology
Ozone water treatment is a well-established technology that has been successfully employed in municipal water supplies for over a century. Its commercial use began in 1906 at a water treatment plant in Nice, France, and it has since been adopted at more than 2,000 installations worldwide.
Rapid Action
One of the significant advantages of ozone water treatment is its speed. While many other water treatment systems require prolonged contact time to reduce or eliminate contaminants, ozone acts within seconds, delivering swift results.
How Ozone Water Treatment Works
Ozone water treatment operates by introducing ozone into water, which leads to the oxidation of bacteria and other pathogens present. To comprehend the process fully, it is essential to understand how ozone is generated. Ozone originates from oxygen. While an oxygen molecule comprises two oxygen atoms (O2), an ozone molecule contains three oxygen atoms (O3). When electricity or ultraviolet light passes through the air, their energy breaks down oxygen molecules into individual oxygen atoms. These free oxygen atoms then combine with ordinary oxygen molecules, resulting in the formation of ozone. In the upper atmosphere, sunlight interacts with oxygen to create the Earth's protective ozone layer. Closer to the surface, ozone is produced when lightning strikes or electricity passes through oxygen-rich air. Ultraviolet and electrical ozone generators replicate these natural processes, making ozone water treatment feasible. While electrolytic and chemical reactions can also produce ozone, UV and electrical ozone generators are the most commonly used methods in water treatment.